اصطفاء الأمة بأكرم الأنبياء (English & Indonesian translation)
نازلت الأمّة في شرقها وغربها ذِكرى ولادة نبيّها المبعوث بالرّحمة، سِراج الظُّلمة وكاشِف كُلّ غُمّة وجالي كُلّ ظُلمة، صلوات ربي وسلامه عليه وعلى آله وصحبه الأئِمة، وعلى من تابعه في كل مُهِمّة، وجعلنا الله وإياكم منهم.
وحُقَّ لِلأمّة أن تتذكَّر مِنّة الوهّاب الخلّاق الرحمن عليها باصطِفائها بِحبيبِه مُحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، وتخصيصها بِأكرَمِ الأنبياء وأعظمهم منزلة لديه وأحبَّهُم إليه
in English:
Commemoration of the Blessed Mawlid
The Ummah in the East and West welcomes the commemoration of the birth of its Prophet. He came with mercy, illuminated the darkness, lifted all afflictions, and removed the veils of darkness. May Allah send peace and blessings upon him, his Family and Companions—the leaders, and upon all those who follow him in fulfilling his duties. May Allah make us and you from among them.
It is necessary for the Ummah to remember the blessing given to us by the Giver, the Creator, the All-Merciful. This blessing is that He chose them by giving them His Beloved Muhammad ﷺ and by distinguishing them through the most honored of Prophets who is greatest in rank and most beloved to Him.
in Indonesian:
"Peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad ﷺ
Umat di timur dan barat dunia menyambut peringatan kelahiran nabi mereka yang diutus dengan rahmat, pelita dalam kegelapan, pengungkap setiap musibah, dan pengusir segala kesulitan. Shalawat dan salam semoga terlimpah atasnya, keluarganya, serta para sahabatnya yang menjadi teladan, dan atas orang-orang yang mengikutinya dalam setiap ajaran. Semoga Allah menjadikan kita termasuk di antara mereka.
Sudah sepantasnya bagi umat ini untuk mengingat karunia dari Allah, Yang Maha Pencipta, Maha Pengasih, kepada mereka dengan memilih kekasih-Nya, Muhammad ﷺ. Umat ini telah diistimewakan dengan nabi yang paling mulia, yang memiliki kedudukan tertinggi di sisi-Nya, dan yang paling dicintai oleh-Nya."Commemoration of the Blessed Mawlid
The Ummah in the East and West welcomes the commemoration of the birth of its Prophet. He came with mercy, illuminated the darkness, lifted all afflictions, and removed the veils of darkness. May Allah send peace and blessings upon him, his Family and Companions—the leaders, and upon all those who follow him in fulfilling his duties. May Allah make us and you from among them.
It is necessary for the Ummah to remember the blessing given to us by the Giver, the Creator, the All-Merciful. This blessing is that He chose them by giving them His Beloved Muhammad ﷺ and by distinguishing them through the most honored of Prophets who is greatest in rank and most beloved to Him.
13 ربيع الأول 1445